I Am Such a Wimp When it Comes to Theme

I Am Such a Wimp When it Comes to Theme Park Rides

My family recently made a trip to Six Flags for a weekend outing, and it is definitely one of my children's favorite places to go. They love the roller coasters more than anything, and the only problem is that my wife has to take them on most of the rides because I am a total wimp when it comes to theme park rides.

The first thing my son does when he gets to the park is run to the line for the highest and fastest roller coaster, and he always wants me to join him. I am trying to get onto one of the children's rides, because the thought of being on some of the theme park rides absolutely terrifies me.

I know that they have one ride that soars around in loops and twists and hills at what appears to be an astronomical speed and then stops. Then, it starts back up again in reverse, so the riders get to take in the entire experience, but this time, they are going backwards!

My wife was the one that pointed out to me that I was really a wimp when it came to theme park rides, and she asked me why I didn't like them. She thought roller coasters were great and really enjoyed riding them with our kids. The only problem for her is that she does not enjoy waiting in line.

I tried one day to sit down and analyze why I had such a problem with certain rides, and I think it is probably because I don't like the feeling of being at a machine's mercy. I never went to theme parks as a child very much, either, and the thrill of it was just never there for me the way it is for some people.

My daughter is always giving me a hard time about it, too. She said that she can't believe that an eight-year old girl is not afraid to ride on the theme park rides, but I am. I guess she thinks that I have a complex about it, but I really don't. I could care less if anyone thinks that I am a chicken when it comes to such matters; I am a self-professed wimp with theme park rides.

We had a great time at Six Flags that day, and my children want to go back in the very near future. Every time we talk about it, they are constantly trying to get me to go on one of the roller coasters, and I always tell them that it will never happen. They insist that I will have fun, but there is no way that I will ever do it, and nobody will ever make me!