Surviving the Many Weeks Of Pregnancy

There are many thoughts that go through someone's mind when they find out that they or their spouse is going to have a baby. What will the baby look like? Will it be a boy or a girl? Can we afford this? Will the baby sleep well or will we be exhausted? How are we ever going to agree on a name? For first time parents, those questions are often accompanied by both fear and extreme excitement at the wonder and mystery of the whole experience. If you are one of those impatient types, you may want to find ways to keep yourself busy through the weeks of pregnancy or you may drive yourself nuts with questions and worries.

The first weeks of pregnancy are some of the hardest just because you are probably worried about miscarriage. This is a valid fear, but you can not let it stress you out. Stress is never good for any pregnancy. For the first few months, concentrate on planning how you are going to care for yourself throughout the rest of your pregnancy. Go out and get books you want to read, and refrain from too much shopping and nursery planning. Miscarriage is a possibility, so plan the things you can control and leave the nursery for when you are more sure of your pregnancy.

After the first twenty weeks of pregnancy have passed, you can begin to relax about the possibility of miscarriage. Here is when most women get antsy. They have made it half way, but the last half of pregnancy seems like an eternity. All they want is to have their body back and to meet their new baby. This is when you may want to sit down and come up with things to do each week all the way up to the last week to help focus the mind and to keep busy. This allows a woman to relax, feel as if she is doing something constructive, and also makes sure everything is done.

The second trimester is pretty calm for most women. They are not very big yet so they can move around rather well, and the sickness and fatigue from the first trimester is usually a distant memory. These weeks of pregnancy are a great time to stay up to date with pregnancy safe workouts and to start to plan the nursery. Assign yourself one task to complete each week. This can be something like choosing the main furniture for the nursery, or just coming up with the theme. Another week may be when a preliminary list of names should be written up for later reference. You can find something for each week quite easily.

Towards the end of pregnancy, many women find they have to slow down a bit and can not quite do as much as they did before. These weeks of pregnancy can really drag without distraction. This is the time to choose the name, make sure the nursery is finished and stocked, and that childbirth classes are finished. These final weeks of pregnancy are also when bags should be packed, food can be cooked and frozen for after baby arrives, and baby showers can be enjoyed. Again, just like with the second trimester, there is enough to do if you space it out to keep yourself busy. The baby will be here before you know it.