Top Honeymoon Destinations in the USA and Overseas

There is absolutely nothing fun about planning a wedding. There are just so many different people and companies to deal with that it seems practically impossible to coordinate everything. Plus, it seems that all my friends and family members have to chime in with well meaning advice about how they did things on their big day. These types of anecdotes don't help at all; they just overwhelm me with options I didn't want to think about in the first place. Maybe I should hire a professional planner to handle these details, while I focus on the far more enjoyable task of sifting through some wonderful brochures of top honeymoon destinations to try to make a decision about where we should go.

There are so many terrific vacation spots to choose from for this once-in-a-lifetime trip that it's going to be tough to select just one. For instance, there are several top honeymoon destinations right here in the U.S., including Hawaii, Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, and Napa Valley. Each of these locations has some amazing activities and scenery to offer, and would provide a memorable backdrop for our first week together as a married couple.

But to be honest, I'm leaning towards a few of the top honeymoon destinations overseas at this point. There are some very affordable all-inclusive packages at luxury resorts in Mexico, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean that sound perfect for us. We both love beaches, so I could definitely imagine spending a week on the sand with an endless supply of umbrella drinks in our hands! Maybe we could even take a cruise to a romantic island destination and get two distinct vacation experiences out of the package. That's definitely something to consider.

And speaking of romance, let's not forget about Europe, which features some of the most romantic cities in the world. No one can consider a list of top honeymoon destinations without including places like Paris, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, or Vienna in the mix. Neither of us has ever been to Europe, so making the journey to one of these places as a couple would be especially fitting.

Before choosing from among these top honeymoon destinations, I guess we have to decide what kind of trip we want. Do we want to relax the whole time and work on our tans? Or do we want to go sightseeing, take in some museums, and experience a whole new culture for a few days? Once we answer these questions, I think it'll be a bit easier to settle on a destination.

We've still got four months left before the big day. Hopefully I won't run myself ragged trying to organize the ceremony and reception, because it sure would be a shame not to be able to enjoy one of these top honeymoon destinations to the fullest!