Uses for a Thermal Imaging Camera

If you watch any of those police procedural shows that are so popular on television right now (like the CSI franchise), then you're probably a little bit familiar with some of the technology law enforcement officials have at their disposal these days. One of the most important tools in their crime fighting arsenal is something called a thermal imaging camera (or TIC), which is basically a device that transforms the infrared radiation emitted by a being into light that can then be interpreted by the user. Obviously, a tool like this can give police officers a distinct advantage over criminals during night raids, but what are some other applications for such a device?

It's probably not all that surprising to hear that thermal imaging cameras are critical for security work as well. Guards and other personnel use portable TICs for nighttime surveillance at large office buildings, industrial compounds, warehouses, or other expansive areas where criminals can lurk in the shadows. Mounted thermal imaging cameras can be used with closed circuit television systems to provide an unparalleled level of security and protection for your property.

Besides police work and security, a thermal imaging camera can be used for a wide variety of applications in a number of different fields. For instance, if you've gone through an airport in the past couple of years, then you've probably walked in front of a thermal imaging camera that could detect the presence of illnesses like SARS or swine flu. Because of the noninvasive nature of TICs, they are also perfect for quality control processes in manufacturing settings. And no nighttime search and rescue team would dream of attempting a mission without having a couple of handheld TICs to help them pinpoint the location of survivors.

Not all thermal imaging cameras are the same as far as quality and price go, so when making your purchasing decision you need to take your specific uses into consideration. Obviously, if lives will be hanging in the balance, then you'll want the best TIC money can buy. But in other cases, you can probably cut a few corners.

Of course, it takes a lot of training to be able to use thermal imaging cameras effectively, so if you're thinking of getting one for your law enforcement team or security crew, then you'll probably want to spring for instructional classes as well. Most TIC manufacturers can provide the necessary training on their device at a reasonable cost, and will even send someone out to your site to conduct classes for you.

A thermal imaging camera can prove to be an invaluable asset to your workplace, so if you've been considering such a purchase, now is the time to make your move. Check out some of the products available on the market today, and don't wait any longer to give your team the tools they need to succeed!