Vintage Wedding Dresses

You have many great options for wedding dresses when you are getting married, and you can certainly choose any that you like. Some women like to go out and get a dress that matches what they see in their mind's eye, and some like to use the one their mother or grandmother used. These are called vintage wedding dresses. Some like to get vintages dresses worn by people they never knew, just because they want an older style of dress that you simply can not find in the stores any longer. Sometimes, these are a great bargain as well, though not always.

Vintage wedding dresses have a romance that goes with days gone by. Some people love to think about the past, their family tree, and what life was like before their time. These are people who love to wear the dress their mother wore, or that may go out hunting down the perfect dress that was worn a long time ago. Some of these are in great shape and others need some help, but they generally have the same romantic feel that the bride is searching for while shopping. It is easier than ever to find them too, making them even more popular.

The first consideration with any vintage wedding dresses is going to be the fit. There may be an opportunity to have it altered, but some are not going to be the same if they are. You want to find something as close to your size as possible. You can take your vintage dress to someone to see if it is possible to alter it without changing the feel of the dress. Make sure they know the history of the dress, as you know it, so that they can use extra care when deciding how it can and can not be altered to fit you better.

You also have to think about the age and the treatment of vintage wedding dresses. Some are going to be in better shape than others. Get the dress out and look it over. See if there are any stains or tears that are going to need to be fixed before you can wear it on your wedding day. Test the strength of the material and the stitching too, as some may have weakened so much the dress will not stand up when cleaned, altered, and then worn on your wedding day. Some can be reenforced, so do you initial check and then take it to someone for closer inspection. Some stitching and material can be reenforced without too much of a problem.

You may not realize it when you get married, but you may have a daughter (or daughter in law to be) that may want to wear your wedding dress in the future. They may also like vintage wedding dresses and want to wear something with sentimental value. Take the time to have your dress cleaned and preserved in the event that someone will want to wear it again in the future. If your daughter does not want to wear it, your granddaughter or niece may want to. You never know. It's nice to have your dress cared for so you can get it out in the future, even if no one else wears it.