An Apt Solution To Kill Obesity-Phentermine Prescription

Obesity is the bane of your existence. My bulkiness always deviated me from enjoying life. When I went out on the streets, children used to mock at me. I started ignoring my friends and avoided interacting with people. My excess body weight was becoming like a curse. My joy knew no bounds when my doctor gave me a solution to shed my obesity. That was Phentermine prescription.

Phentermine prescription is ideal for those who want to shed tremendous amount of weight within a short span of time. It is usually carried on for a period of 8-12 weeks. Stimulating the brain it increases the heart rate and blood pressure and thus acts like an appetite suppressant.

Weight loss with phentermine prescription is greatest during the first few weeks of taking the medicine. It levels down gradually with the use. Weight loss differs from person to person depending upon the height, weight and medical history.

It is not advisable to take phentermine prescription without the consultation of a doctor. Your doctor will prescribe the right dosage for you. Take the medicine strictly as recommended by the doctor. Do not try to double it. It will not give any better results rather can affect your health.

Phentermine Prescription is best taken on an empty stomach. It is right to take it 1 hour before the meals. The pill must be swallowed the whole. Crushing or chewing the medicine may make it loose its effect or have increased side-effects.

Phentermine cannot be prescribed for those who suffer from the following-:

Heart disease
High blood pressure
Anxiety disorder
Seizure disorder

Healthy living does not only mean popping a diet pill daily. It involves regular exercises and a low-calorie diet. Phentermine prescription works well when proper physical work outs go in conjunction with it.

Immediate medical help must be taken if one experiences any of the following side-effects while taking phentermine prescription.

Closing of throat
Swelling of lips, tongue or face
Dry mouth

Since phentermine prescription may also cause dizziness, therefore one must avoid doing certain hazardous works such as driving or operating machinery. Avoid taking the medicine late in the day as it can cause insomnia.

Phentermine can be habit forming. Do not take the medicine more than the time prescribed by the doctor. Before stopping the medicine do consult your doctor.