Dance for Fun

We all have things in life we love to do. Some of these things we love more than others. Dancing is something that many of us, as we age, forget to make the time to enjoy. However, dancing is one of those simple pleasures in life that can also remind us to smile, to play, to spin around until we get dizzy, and most importantly to enjoy the simplicity of having fun without the worry of work, family, or finances getting in the way.

It costs very little in most homes to simply turn the radio on, draw the shades and dance. You can dance with your significant other, your lifelong partner, and even your children. You do not have to worry about anyone watching and if they are watching you should take pity that they are spending their time worrying about what you are doing rather than dancing around and enjoying life to its fullest.

Native Americans had the right idea when it comes to dancing. Let the beat be your guide and simply dance. They danced as a means of worship, to express submission to their gods, to exalt their gods, to display their joy, and as an outward expression of grief. They danced for love and they danced for war. Dancing to them was as natural as walking is to many of us and important means of expressing themselves not only as individual people but also as part of a larger and unified group.

If you have never danced for fun, it's time to check out the various styles of dance and see what appeals to you as a style of dance. There are many types of dance and many different styles of music for those various styles.

Line Dancing

Line dancing is a style of dancing in which dancers line up and dance together by making the same dance steps at the same time. It has swept not only the nation but is quickly making its way around the world as an excellent source of dancing fun. It's also a great way to socialize and meet new people. While line dancing was primarily limited to country music in the beginning it has quickly made its way into other styles of music as well. Many bars, dance halls, and clubs will offer line dancing lessons on slow business nights in order to encourage extra business. Line dancing can be enjoyed by both men and women.

Square Dancing

This style of dance has a rather long history and has experienced a good degree of evolution over the past couple of decades. While it was once reserved for hoe downs and such square dancing is quickly becoming a hobby for many people across America and a great way to spend an evening and get to know others who share this hobby. This style of dancing is best enjoyed by couples and can be such great fun if you let your hair down a bit while participating.

Belly Dancing

Belly dancing can be enjoyed by men and women though it is most commonly associated with women. Unless you include the appreciation that goes alone with watching rather than participating and in that case the men may actually outnumber the women. Belly dancing is a very exotic and erotic form of dance that is almost always an audience thriller. It may take years to perfect your belly dancing moves and many study this style of dance their entire lives but it is a great physical activity that is a lot of fun.

Dancing for fun is not only the best reason to dance by far, but it is far too often not the reason that people dance. People dance for competition, for exercise, and for many other reasons but not nearly often enough do we make the moves simply for the pleasure of doing so. If I could make one suggestion to everyone reading it is this. Go out and dance for the sheer joy of dancing.