Is Your Business Making A Good First Impression?

Job interviews, first dates, social settings no matter the occasion, a first impression can make or break a potential relationship. Have you experienced an awkward moment yourself when you were not looking or feeling your best? Have you been introduced to someone and thought, What were they thinking?

Does your business have an online presence? Can customers learn about and interact with your company in cyberspace? If the answer to either of the previous questions is NO I have to say, What are you thinking?

Just yesterday, I was working with a client who recommended her cousins catering service. My first question was, Whats their website, to which she replied, I dont know. A query to a few of the popular search engines revealed zilch, nada, nothing except for other competitors in our local area. Realistically, if I was not particularly loyal to my client, I would more than likely investigate the businesses that were right at hand right then, via their websites. As a dedicated business owner, can you afford to lose potential customers so unexpectedly, especially when websites are so easy and affordable?

A website consists of a domain name, i.e. (, and a hosting account. A domain name is purchased and points to the hosting account much like your street address references your physical building. Then, web pages consisting of words and graphics are developed and published to the hosting account. You can create web pages or work directly with a design company.

Businesses, both large and small, can create an online presence with a website for under $15. Better yet, monthly maintenance is as little as $4 a month. You can find affordable website solutions at At these prices, there is no excuse. Its up to you to make the best first impression.