The Secrets of Google Adsense 2008

It is no surprise that Google Adsense still remain the top favorable income source for most Webmasters. However, as Google implement changes to the advertisement format and behavior, there were considerably a number of Webmasters who are upset about these changes that eventually reduces their earnings.

In order to stay unaffected by the constant changes enforced by Google, a Webmaster has to go back to the basics creating value to the users. This article will illustrate how you can go about creating valuable content and eventually, pulling in at least hundreds dollars from Google Adsense.

First, the most important factor is to attract the right type of traffic. It makes no use having 100,000 regular visitors per day to your site as compared to 50,000 unique and first-time visitors. Most regular visitors will not click your advertisement. This explains why most blogs with most of its traffic coming from bookmarks do not perform using Google Adsense.

There is only one type of traffic that convert the best for Adsense earnings Search Engine traffic. Most clicks on the advertisement are triggered by first-time visitors especially if they were referred from search engines. Therefore, in order to increase your earnings for Adsense, focus on Search Engine Optimization. Some of the proven optimization techniques include titles shortening, keywords allocation, article submission and social bookmarking for gaining links popularity.

Another critical impact is the advertisement format. Despite all the various school of thoughts, the most effective format is one that is able to blend into your content and appears natural (in terms of content, colors and fonts). Advertisement placed in boxes also perform better than when they were in the rectangles. Advertisements that are placed above fold also did a good job attracting clicks. However, you should limit the advertisement to 3 unit per page. Anything more than that will make your page looks unprofessional and low value.

One very useful tip to increase your Adsense earnings is to use the horizontal link unit. This type of advertisement appears like navigation menu and thus, making up most of the clicks in an average site. Most of my sites generate over 70% of my income from this particular type of advertisement format.

To summarize, there are only two things to worry about Traffic and advertisement format. Once you can get the right type of traffic flowing into your site, you can then focus on capturing the clicks from the traffic by displaying natural advertisement.