About lung cancer

The common fact about lung cancer, just like all cancers is that it is a defective cell disease. The cells multiply abnormally igniting the growth of tumors. Normally, the body has the ability to control cell growth. This ensures that cells are produced only when required and mainly to replace the worn out ones. This however does not happen many of the times. A person may suffer from an uncontrolled cell production due to a defect in the system. When this happens in the lungs, a condition known as lung cancer is formed. Another important fact about lung cancer is that it comes in two types: malignant and benign tumors. Malignant cancers are more dangers because they are progressive. They are more aggressive as compared to begnin tumors. They therefore have the ability to invade other body cells in either the lymph or bloodstream. This spread is referred to as metastasis. This makes it hard to control.

Begnin tumors on the other hand are more manageable. They can be removed and they are not as progressive as the malignant tumors. This ensures that they do not spread all over the body. Knowing the details about lung cancer is of essence. This helps people make the right decisions about their health. Most of the times, lung cancer registers no symptoms. People can live with it for many years without knowing. It only gets discovered if they run a CT scan or a chest X-ray. However, it exhibits the following symptoms in other people. These include weight loss, short breath, wheezing, chest pain, and coughing which at times is bloody. When cancer affects the nerves, people may suffer shoulder pains. The vocal cords may also get paralyzed and this causes people to loose their voice. Swallowing may become difficult when the esophagus gets infected.

Metastasis cancer, which refers to full-blown cancer that affects bones, may be exhibited through deep pain in bone areas. If the brain has been affected, people may suffer headaches, seizures and their vision becomes blurred. They may also go numb. Knowing about lung cancer types is important. The two known types are the Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC) and Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC). The treatment of these cancers differs since they exhibit some differences. The SCLC is treated best through radiation and chemotherapy. The NSCLC on the other hand responds well to surgery. Lung cancer is caused by smoking. People who smoke for a better part of their life risk suffering from it.

An interesting fact is that the more cigarettes people smoke the more susceptible they are to lung cancer. Tobacco is known to contain thousands of chemicals, which are believed to trigger cancer in the body. These compounds are referred to as carcinogens. Lung cancer can also be caused by genetic factors. Other related causes include air pollution, radon gas, and asbestos. To know about lung cancer in the system, a CT scan is carried out. A biopsy is carried out on the person and the results confirm if they have lung cancer. Treating lung cancer depends on factors such as its stage, its type, as well as the patients condition at the time of diagnosis. The major treatments include radiotherapy, surgery, and chemotherapy.