Most of the time, you have to wait six weeks after vaginal births before you can resume your normal sex life. You may feel that you are okay after four or five weeks, but you are better off waiting the six weeks. Some women are not totally healed by then, and some take even longer. If you try to have sex too soon after vaginal births, it is going to be quite painful, and if you react badly to sex, your husband may be put off for a while for fear of hurting you. Do your sex life a favor and wait until your doctor gives you the okay.
Some fear that vaginal births are going to leave them 'stretched out.' This is not true. The muscles in this area of the body are designed to bounce back just as they were before you gave birth. Some have a problem, but most women go back to where they were before they went through vaginal births. If you are concerned that this is going to be a problem, you can do Kegal exercises to help things to go back to normal sooner. It is not always necessary, but it doesn't hurt.
If you have had stitching after vaginal births, be sure to follow your doctors advice on how to care for your body. If you do not care for it correctly, this tear or incision could pop open, get infected, and could prolong the amount of time you feel pain in that area. Though not everyone tears or has to be cut, most have some type of pain. The hospital will give you a bottle to use to clean that area after vaginal births when you get home. Be sure to use it. The simple act of cleaning yourself with any type of cloth or paper product could cause pain and more damage. Take it easy, your body has been through a lot.
Overall, don't forget to take it easy after vaginal births. This takes a lot out of you and you are not going to have much rest with a new baby. Don't try to be super woman, as your body needs time to heal. Sleep when the baby sleeps, and leave everything else up to your spouse or partner if at all possible. If someone offers to come help you the first week after you come home, give it consideration even if you initially think you will be okay on your own. The more rest you get up front, the quicker you will be back on your feet.