You do not have to adopt one right away to save them. The ASPCA allows puppies to have foster owners. One humane man fostered a puppy for a year and subsequently decided to adopt a puppy he had come to love. Another, a woman, had been a volunteer caretaker at her local ASPCA when a box of five wire-haired fox terries were brought in, two puppies full of vigor and smiles, three much older. At first she decided to adopt a puppy, but which one she wasn't sure. The smallest was the most darling of all, but the other one funny. She, too, fostered the littlest for a year, and eventually adopted her. This a volunteer, she would give a little more attention to her adopted terrier's brother, who had become obviously depressed since his brother had left. When the two older terriers were finally but to death and he was scheduled to go a month later, she opened up her heart and decided to adopt a puppy whose brother have already given her so much joy.
Most people who adopt a puppy have long wanted a dog and have decided to save one who might be resident at the ASPCA. Some will shop for just the right mutt, returning often to the ASPCA until the one they have been wanting shows his or her face. To adopt a puppy, at present, the ASPCA will want to know if you are able to care for the animal before they release it to you. Homeowners are preferred over renters, and a renter may have to bring in some documentation showing their landlord permits dogs. A small fee is collected and the adoption papers finalize. When they bring out your new found friend, you'll think how, in same cases like this, joy is next to free.
You may also find that there are a shortage of healthy puppies. Everyone, you might think, wants to adopt a puppy only if it is healthy and whole, but this is not the case. One woman discovered a big eyed spaniel that had been taken into the ASPCA when it had mysteriously fallen from a four-story roof. All four of her legs had been broken in multiple places, and she had a wound on her stomach. She had been seized by an HLE agent. The eyes certainly had something to do with adopting a puppy for this lady, but it was her sorrow for what man had done to another creature that really inspired her.
The next time you think, I want a puppy, think of adopting one from the ASPCA.